THE rain relented just in time for this year’s fancy dress competition at Newsham Village Carnival on Saturday.
Organisers had arranged a plan B – to hold the contest inside the village hall – but it stayed dry just long enough for the judges to carry out their work.
Unfortunately, the green was too wet for events this year. The fancy dress was judged in the village hall car park, while the children’s sports were postponed and will be held later in the summer.
The jelly race also had to be called off – meaning extra helpings for all when refreshments were served in the hall.
However, the inclement weather didn’t dampen spirits and there was an excellent array of costumes on display and there was plenty of fun to be had on the fairgrounds rides later in the afternoon.
The Stan Maude and Richard Storrow trophy for ladies darts: Winner, Bethaney Rush; runner-up, Carole Metcalfe.
The Hartley Maude Memorial Cup for men’s darts: Winner, Martyn Wane; runner-up, David Maude.
Pool: Winner, Kevin Robinson; runner-up, Matthew Jopling.
The Arthur Alsop Memorial Cup for Quoits: Winner, Laurence James; runner-up, Harry Robinson.
Fancy dress
Pre-school individual: 1, Cara Boardman; 2, Oliver Maude; 3, Bill Marwood.
5-7 years individual: 1, Elizabeth Dixon.
8-10 years individual: 1, Henry Yarrow; 2, Alfie Maude; 3= Adam Smith and Amy Calvert.
11-15 years: 1, Amelia Woodward; 2, Brooke Harrison.
Groups 0-7 years: 1, Lucy and Ellie Tallentire, The Owl and the Pussycat; 2= Edward and Mia Jopling, lion and lion tamer, and Freddie and Olivia Harland, Robin Hood and Maid Marian.
Groups 8-15 years: 1, Holly and Toby Antoncich and Emily and Elliot Tennant, the Lego people; 2, Max and Reece Edwards, Dennis the Menace and Minnie the Minx; 3, Grace Nicholson and Grace Harrison, mad cat lady and her cat.
Showman’s Cup for best fancy dress: The Lego people.
Loads more pictures in this week’s Mercury