THE approach to Barnard Castle cemetery is to be repaired following complaints about potholes and mud.
A pile of undersoil and boulders which has been dumped against the wooden fence of the cemetery are also to be cleared following a separate complaint.
The issues were reported to Barnard Castle Town Council’s services committee by chairman Cllr Roger Peat.
He said concerns over the state the approach to the cemetery from Victoria Road had called into question whether its maintenance was the responsibility of the town or county council.
“It is leading to a Durham County Council cemetery but it appears it is not on the area that the county council has direct control over,” said Cllr Peat.
He asked for clarity so that he could organise repairs if the county council was unwilling to do so.
“The important thing is that when a hearse or loved ones drive along, they are jolted along through the potholes. That’s not acceptable.”
Leaves and mud which have built up on the approach also make it difficult for anyone walking to the cemetery.
Cllr Peat also voiced concern about the effect the pile of soil and boulders was having on the wooden fence inside the actual cemetery.
As a result of the issues raised, members of the services committee agreed to contact the county council’s clean and green team.
In response, Jimmy Bennett, Durham County Council’s clean and green manager, said: “The track leading to the cemetery is not owned by ourselves, however, our clean and green teams have spoken to the town clerk and agreed to visit the site and carry out some improvement works, including removing the soil within the cemetery itself.”