SOME 98 horses turned out for the Dales Pony Society’s annual summer show at Streatlam Farm, on Saturday, August 4.
While slightly down on last year’s entry of 106, show secretary Rene Bradley said she was pleased to see an increase in the ridden categories.
She said: “The weather was really kind to us. Our first class kicked off with the Horse of the Year show qualifier that we run every year at the summer show and the standard of ridden ponies did not disappoint as most of them are regulars at the prestigious final.
“Top spot was taken by Morlandsdale Mia, ridden by Julie Robinson, who has already qualified for Horse of the Year Show this year and a regular to the final, closely followed into second spot and taking the qualification by first timer at the show Westwick Duke, bred by D & A Eccles, owned by Victoria Wharton and ridden by Joe Watson.”
Ms Bradley said the in-hand classes were hotly contested with some of the best animals coming forward.
“If you are a lover of Dales Ponies, then the breed show is where some of the very best breed types can be seen,” she said.
“Taking the top spots in the in-hand were Westwick Kate and Westwick Daisy Mae taking reserve slot.
“Speaking to David Eccles after the show he told me he was extremely pleased with the results for all of the ponies he had entered this year and he thought they all performed very well. Westwick Masterpiece was also the cup winner for the driving classes.”