DARLINGTON Operatic Society are renowned for not shying away from the more complex and challenging productions and this is no exception with their ambitious autumn production of the blockbuster musical Jekyll and Hyde. This gothic horror drama is based loosely on The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Dr Jekyll has the passion to discover the good v evil in men, played on the opening night by Julian Cound his transformation from Dr Jekyll to Mr Hyde sends shivers across the auditorium. As Mr Hyde he is delightfully creepy as he wreaks havoc across the city. The other stand out members of the cast are Beth Hopper playing Emma Carew who is engaged to Dr Jekyll and Rhiannon Walker playing lady of the night Lucy Harris. Both with outstanding vocals specially during their duet. The rest of the cast complement the three main members with perfection.
The choreography by Joanne Hand was slick and tight. The 17-piece orchestra make Darlington Operatic Society stand out from many touring musicals, as they are as much a part of the show as the cast, so it is fantastic to have them in their rightful place in front of the stage. The costumes, lighting and set complete the dark atmosphere perfect for this time of year.
Darlington Operatic Society could grace any stage in the world and no one guess that they weren’t a professional company.
Jekyll and Hyde runs at Darlington Hippodrome until Saturday 2nd November.
Darlington Operatic Society returns to the Hippodrome from April 22 to May 2, 2020 with Strictly Musicals 3.