A DALE group that has spent six years putting together a plan to give the community a stronger voice in how development takes place in Startforth is inviting residents to have their say.
Members of the Startforth Neighbourhood Plan group have organised three community consultations, starting this month, to allow residents to give their views on the 114-page village blueprint.
Work on the draft plan, which has eight chapters and four appendices covering housing, green spaces, valued views and community infrastructure, began in 2018.
Chairman of the neighbourhood plan group, resident Jim Boaden, said: “The purpose of the neighbourhood plan is to allow a community to have a say in future planning.
“It was repeat planning applications that sparked the drafting of the plan. Durham County Council told us that we needed a neighbourhood plan and that’s why we started.”
The copy of the draft plan has been posted on the parish council’s website for residents to take a look at before the consultations which are to take place on Saturday, January 27 and Saturday, February 3, at the village’s community centre, between 10am and noon.
It is the second version of the neighbourhood plan the group has put together.
Delays due to the pandemic along with the introduction of new initiatives and construction of more housing in Startforth meant the eight-strong team had to restructure and rewrite much of the original blueprint.
Mr Boaden added: “We have to control future development in the village and one of the things people have said in previous consultations is the need to support community infrastructure and the green spaces.”
Money to fund the project, including hiring a specialist consultant to assist the volunteer group, came from the government’s locality fund along with some donations from the parish council.
He said: “All members of the neighbourhood plan group will be at the consultations and are happy to answer any questions residents may have.
“The next step after the consultations for us will be to review the plan accommodating any changes put forward by residents, then it will be submitted for audit at which point everyone will get the chance to vote for it.”
Anyone wishing to take a look at the draft neighbourhood plan should visit www.startforthparishcouncil .org/startforth-neighbourhood -plan.