HAND painted stones dedicated to family and friends who have passed away will be placed in a specially created memorial garden in Eggleston.
The Pinfold Memorial Garden, situated adjacent to the village’s former Methodist chapel, has been created as a place where residents can remember loved ones, with a special emphasis for those who died during Covid lockdowns when funerals were drastically curtailed.
The project is funded by a £6,100 grant from Teesdale Action Partnership and money from the sale of the passage beside the chapel. To complete the project residents were invited to decorate stones in memory of their loved ones.
A two-hour memorial stone painting workshop was held at the village hall during the monthly community cafe meeting when a painting station was set up.
Stones and acrylic paints were supplied by crafter Dee Hollingsworth. She said: “The idea is to create somewhere people can come and remember their loved ones who lived here in Eggleston. For those who lost loved ones during Covid it was difficult because of the restrictions and a lot of people weren’t able to have funerals.”
The stones will be varnished before they are placed within the memorial garden.