MANY hands and a few handy machines made light work in Startforth when volunteers descended on a river view beauty spot which had become overgrown.
Members of Barnard Castle’s volunteer workers’ group and village residents pruned, strimmed, cleared moss and cut back foliage at Church Bank Field, which is managed by the village parish council.
The workers group, part of the town’s Christmas Lights organisation and co-ordinated by Roger Peat, offered to help out after Startforth’s parish maintenance officer resigned.
Mr Peat said: “Some of the workers actually live in Startforth and were keen to get this done and we were joined by three residents as well.”
Although several parish councillors had agreed to take on the work, which included removing two dead trees that were blocking a public footpath through the field, the offer of assistance was gladly accepted.
As well as strimming, grass cutting and pruning, the volunteers cleared away moss from a path and seating area and within a short time had the area looking its best again.
Startforth parish councillor Chris Carr said: “We’re really grateful to everyone who helped and we really appreciated the work they have done as they are all volunteers.
“They have done a great job here and we are very grateful.
“We [Startforth Parish Council] have now appointed someone to do the strimming but their job will be just to keep it in check and this has gone a big way to get this done.”