A BELLRINGER from Barnard Castle is to take part in her first triathlon this weekend to raise cash for charity in memory of her mum.
Helen Scott, who rings the bells at St Mary’s Church, will be taking part in the Teesdale Triathlon on Sunday, September 18, to raise cash for Parkinson’s UK.
Her mum, Anne Barker, lived with the disease for 15 years before her death in March 2021.
Mrs Scott said: “Parkinson’s eventually prevented her tending her garden as her mobility and balance were affected, but she continued to live at home with live-in carers for the last few years.
“This was all very difficult for such an independent farmer’s wife who was used to hard, physical work, and who did not like to ask for help.
“We were all very proud of the way that she dealt with her changing physical and mental states, as Parkinson’s took a tighter hold on her.”
Mrs Scott’s husband, Chris, and sons, Christopher and Andrew, have previously taken part in the Teesdale Triathlon, and had previously tried to encourage her to take part.
Despite being a keen cyclist, it wasn’t until this year that she became convinced.
The event starts with a 400m swim in the pool at Teesdale Leisure Centre, followed by an 18-mile cycle and ending with a three-mile run.
The cycle section starts at the leisure centre and heads out to Staindrop before turning towards Folly Top and then returning to Barney.
The run will take the form of a loop around to Stainton.
Mrs Scott said: “It is an undulating course and I will struggle with that. I am looking forward to seeing if my legs will hold up after the other two [stages].”
Mrs Scott has established a fundraising website which has already raised more than £500 for the charity.
Mrs Scott said: “People are very generous and I am very impressed by their support.”
She will be joined in the triathlon by her son, Andrew, his girlfriend Lauren and a bellringing friend.
People can support the fundraising effort by visiting justgiving.com/fundraising/Helen-Scott63