A LONG-TERM strategy is being developed to “future-proof” The Bowes Museum and its parkland.
Branded the Bowes 2092 Plan, the strategy intends to explore the capital investments needed to ensure the museum remains fit for purpose well into the future.
It is named for the museum’s bicentenary which happens in 2092.
Executive director Hannah Fox said the plan would include exploring alternative funding models that could relieve financial pressures.
It would also look at the technology and digital advancements needed to keep the museum up to date, she added.
In addition, the plan will look at sustainable practices to help “dealing with and reversing the climate emergency”.
Training and developing the needs of the current and future workforce forms another part of the plan.
Ms Fox said: “The Bowes 2092 Plan will build on the foundation laid over recent years to be a more forward-thinking, independent, sustainable organisation and help us progress our mission and aims and those of our regional partners and beyond.”
In the museum’s annual review, the director said the past year demonstrated the start of the museum’s journey towards sustainability and the importance of its role as an Arts Council National Portfolio Organisation.
Achievements during the year include the gradual improvement of staff places, a workforce restructure, a review of policies and practices, investing in volunteering and facilities improvements such as asbestos removal, boiler repairs and tree works.
Another significant success was a restoration project to get the museum’s iconic Silver Swan back into working order.
Investments into the museum’s future included redeveloping galleries and creating new galleries and collection stores and a multi-year exhibition programme being put in place.
Ms Fox said initial investment was secured for a feasibility study to “outline a roadmap” for investment in the buildings and parkland.
A major improvement for the museum the review identified was a significant rise in income from the café and shop, with Café Bowes also earning a Visit England Quality Food and Drink award.
In addition, a new ticketing strategy resulted in a membership of more than 13,000.
The executive director said: “The Bowes 2092 Plan is a radical rethink of key areas of our organisation that seeks to move The Bowes Museum towards 2092 – our 200th birthday – as sustainably as possible.
The aims of the plan are to:
l Develop and new financial model,
l Create a fully-realised capital programme,
l Embed sustainable technologies and practices,
l Invest in the workforce,
l Invest in digital infrastructure and skills.
Ms Fox said an application would be made to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for cash to help develop the first steps of the Bowes 2092 Plan.