A DALE farmer aims to enter competition sheepshearing after earning the British Wool Association’s highest award.
Lewis Wearmouth achieved a gold seal at the latest shearing course presented at Woodland by Utass (Upper Teesdale Agricultural Support Services).
Julia Stephenson, who organises Utass’ training schemes said: “We’re so lucky to have the encouraging and knowledgeable trainers from British Wool coming to Teesdale year after year to help trainees improve.
“Shearing sheep involves learning a complicated technique and is physically very demanding too, so hats off to all the trainees who came along wanting to learn more.”
Mr Wearmouth added: “I’ve just turned 26 and have been contract sheep shearing for a good amount of years now.
“It really is beneficial to do a sheep shearing course if it’s the first time you’ve sheared a sheep or even if you have years of experience.
“It was great having two knowledgeable shearing instructors guiding me over the two days and making improvements to my technique.
“I’m keen to push on further now I’ve achieved a gold seal and get on with competition sheep shearing.”