A COLLABORATION of groups is to see the creation of a heritage garden at a dale community centre.
The Hub, on the outskirts of Barnard Castle, already has a thriving Veg Out community garden but now plans are afoot to expand it and everyone is invite to dig in.
The Hub chief executive Rachel Tweddle said: “Veg Out have been running the community garden for five or six years and they want to pass it on to us. They have always wanted to expand but there was never a plan, until now.”
She added that Veg Out had only a small base of volunteers and through The Hub’s larger resource base much more can be achieved.
Having previously worked with Teesdale YMCA and OASES (Outdoor and Sustainability Education specialists) in a project which saw bushes and trees planted in pots around The Hub, the idea formed to get them involved.
Ms Tweddle said the garden, which will cover a largely overgrown area around the centre’s high ropes, will be based around heritage planting, traditional pest control and ancient skills such as willow weaving.
Ms Tweddle said: “We have been to visit other heritage gardens in the north for inspiration. It is not just about planting, it is about design and layout.”
She added that the hope was to get older people involved with the project and to tap into the YMCA’s wealth of experience in inter-generational work to achieve that.
Teesdale Action Partnership recently approved a grant of £8,369 which will ensure the project can get underway in the new year.
Ms Tweddle said The Hub is keen to hear from people who would like to volunteer to help make the garden a success. Recent recruit Julian Lawton, who heard about the opportunity through a friend, said: “It is good exercise, better than going to the gym. And being out in the fresh air is really good.”
Contact The Hub on 01833 690150.