CALLS have been made to make safe a part of the Teesdale Way that has become dangerous because of a landslip.
However, county officers say they are monitoring the stretch of the footpath between Whorlton and Winston and walkers should take care when passing the affected area.
Among those calling for repairs is former Teesdale MP Helen Goodman who spotted the slip while out walking the route last month. She said: “At the point opposite Wycliffe there has been a land slippage, so the path needs to be moved in a couple of yards. The footpath signposting was set up about 15 years ago and it really is very nice and good for tourists, when they are able to return. It would be a shame if this section of the walk became impassable.”
Whorlton resident Barry Alderson, who regularly walks his dog Floss along the Teesdale Way, said the landslip happened after heavy rains in February.
He added: “It is very narrow – it wants a fence around.”
Mike Ogden, Durham County Council’s access and rights of way team leader, confirmed the landslip had been reported in February and warning notices had been put up along the route.
He said: “Monitoring was interrupted from mid-March by lockdown restrictions, but it was most recently inspected on June 10. We are in discussions with the landowner regarding var-ious options for the path, both short and long-term. A temporary closure of the path will be implemented if public safety concerns require it and any long-term repairs are likely to be expensive and will need detailed investigations.”