PUPILS at Green Lane Primary School were thrilled when the Bishop of Durham, Rt Revd Paul Butler, came to visit last week.
Children on the school council welcomed Bishop Paul and showed him around the facilities before taking part in collective worship. St Mary’s Church vicar Revd Canon Alec Harding and curate Revd Sarah Cliff were also on hand. Addressing the pupils Bishop Paul reminded them that their school motto “educating for life in all its fullness” came directly from Jesus as recorded in the gospel of St John.
He said: “Jesus said, ‘I came that you might have life and life in all of its fullness’. I don’t think he meant life is always easy. I think it is about being and living to the very best that we can be.”
Headteacher Rob Goffee reminded the children that the school had recently been rated outstanding and the Bishop’s visit was a “chance to show just how brilliant we are. We are chuffed to bits.”
Bishop Paul visited different classrooms to see the children at work and play.